Tuesday, March 13, 2012

KONY2012, bringing justice or leading a gimmick?

          If you stay active on the popular social networks these days I am pretty sure you have came across the Stop Kony movement.  Joseph Kony is said to be in charge of the LRA, the Lord's Resistance Army, causing chaos in Uganda for the past twenty-eight years.  An organization called Invisible Children state that Kony has kidnapped 30,000 children forcing them to join his army along with other treacherous things such as killing their parents and participating in rape.  Some people are describing this Kony character as a modern day Hitler.  I know you are probably wondering why it is such a big fuss now if this has been going on for so long.  The Invisible Children organization says,

  "The LRA has not been active in Uganda since 2006, but they are    currently carrying out attacks in DR Congo, Central African Republic, and South Sudan.1,012 people have been murdered and 2,224 people abducted since 1 December 2009.45 people were abducted in February 2012."
  The Invisible Children organization claim they have known about this for a while now but our United States government does not want anything to do with it.  They composed a video of the steps they have been taking to get Kony and how they have been trying to get our government involved.  If you have not viewed the video you can see it here:  http://www.invisiblechildren.com/  .  Their whole goal is to gain awareness and "Make Kony famous".  Visiting the site you are also able to sign a pledge and order an action kit for thirty dollars.  The action kit consists of two bracelets and posters for the national awareness day which is April 20th 2012.
            There are so many skeptical things going on with this whole campaign.  When the video first aired it appealed to the emotions of a lot of people so there was a lot donations sent and a lot of kits ordered.  The money is said to be needed so that the Ugandan Army will have the right technology to find Kony.  That is where some criticism comes in.  People are curios as to why it is taking so much to find one man.  Reports have said that Invisible Children is one organization that refuses to have their organization funds audited.  It is also said that only 31% of the donations they are receiving are actually going towards the cause, the rest going towards traveling fees and the productions.
A survivor of Kony's brutal assault
          Personally I'm all in for the cause that they are going for but do I think our government is going to make it a main priority? NO! The thing about America is that as long as it is not beneficial to us we will not get involved. I read a blog written by Chris Blattman on his thoughts concerning the whole Kony situation.  He simply stated that,"Whats new and amazing is that, with the direction that coverage has taken, the average high school activist, donor and Congressman might just understand a little better what separates advocacy from badvocacy, and demand better in the future."  I definitely agree. I feel as if this whole movement displayed that the people of this country do have a voice and are able to get things done without being affiliated with the "superior power".  I hope this awareness can bring a solution to this epidemic because where you live definitely should not determine whether you live. 

1 comment:

  1. We can get a pic of the man but we can't find him. I agree if America can't benefit there is no reason to get involved. Maybe if Kony abducts a white American then maybe we might get hands dirty.
